Have you ever wondered whose responsibility it is to maintain a clean right of way? The short answer is that property owners are responsible for maintaining all vegetation up to the curb. That means if you or your neighbor has tree branches covering a street sign or a...
A resident has reported finding a phone at the Synderhill and Stagecoach intersection. Please contact us at Info@WCHOATX.com so we can help with returning the phone.
The City of San Marcos is making preparations ahead of the total solar eclipse event that will occur on Monday, April 8, 2024. The eclipse event will begin at approximately 12:16 p.m., with maximum eclipse occurring at 1:36 p.m. San Marcos is just outside the path of...
The City of San Marcos is hosting their 2024 UniverCity in Spring 2024. It originally launched in Spring 2023, and is a new initiative that gives residents a behind-the-scenes look at City Hall. This free 8-week program includes informational sessions highlighting...
Gunner ran out our door on Hunters Hill Dr., San Marcos, tonight without his collar on. He’s friendly and fast. If you find him, please call Bruce or Denise at 512.644.8109 or 512.529.2420.