Thank you to all of our neighbors who decorated their homes this holiday season. What a delight to drive around and smile at the colorful displays at a time when we could all use some good cheer. We hope all had a blessed Christmas and will have a happy, healthy New...
Thank you to all of our neighbors who decorated their homes this holiday season. What a delight to drive around and smile at the colorful displays at a time when we could all use some good cheer. We wish all a blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year. This...
Willow Creek Homeowners Association ANNUAL SPRING GARAGE SALE Friday & Saturday, April 3 & 4, 2020 Make your plans now for the annual spring Willow Creek Neighborhood Garage Sale! This is a very popular annual event and is a good chance to take advantage of...
Congratulations to the five lucky winners of the 2019 Willow Creek HOA Holiday Lighting contest. All received $25 gift cards to Cody’s Restaurant and 1-year free WCHOA dues. Thanks to all who decorated and lit up our neighborhood. All were beautiful and...
National Night Out – Tuesday, October 1 Dick’s Classic Car Garage COME ONE, COME ALL – Our WCHOA annual National Night Out event keeps getting bigger and better. Hope we see every household represented. We have received great support for prizes and food (the...
Click on the link below to read and/or print the latest and greatest issue of our WCHOA newsletter Fall 2019 Willow Creek News & Views Your feedback is always welcome Send your comments and/or suggestions to us at or use the “Get In...