A publication of Willow Creek Homeowners Association, Inc.
“Deed Restricted Single-Family Neighborhood”

Whew! February Was a Tough Month

The aftermath of the deep freeze is seen throughout our neighborhood. Let’s take a deep breath. Ready to clean up the garden and/or yard mess created by freezing temperatures? We recommend you approach this effort cautiously since most native Texas plants will ultimately survive if you cut them back carefully.

  • Esperanza for example might look as if it’s dead. Our experience is that if it is cut back to about 6 to 12 inches, it will reassert itself boldly. It’s one of those plants which survives heat, cold, drought and just about any Texas weather challenge.
  • If you have sego palms that are now brown — they will not green up. The only thing you can do is cut the fronds completely back to the nub and beautiful new fronds will emerge bigger than ever this spring.
  • The bottom-line is that if a plant looks healthy, don’t cut the plant back unless it’s something you normally do every year. When in doubt contact a local plant specialist. The local nurseries can be helpful too.

Pools don’t like really cold weather either. Some folks have contacted pool specialists to check out their systems to make sure there are no problems. In addition, our local plumbers are working hard to fix broken pipes which tend to happen in some odd places. Fortunately, we had few broken pipes compared to other neighborhoods. Many of us have propane tanks which came in handy when we lost electrical power. (Be sure to have matches on hand!) One of our neighbors brought us a thermos of hot coffee that first cold morning. It was a godsend after a sleepless night without power. (Yes, he had a camping set-up. He trudged down our snowy/iced driveway and offered to drive us out since he had a larger vehicle. He was smiling.) That smile of hope helped us get through the week.

If you are looking at generators, be sure to remember there are many different types. Some are “dual” (gasoline and propane); some are very large and expensive; some are portable (50 pounds or less); note that none should be powered up and used inside your vehicle garage, 4-sided shed or utility-type building—even if you leave the doors open. The most important thing to do is set them up when you don’t need them, make sure they work, have a generator expert review the set-up (or do it for you), and find an ideal location for placement. Generators can be useful at all times of the year so it can be a smart investment.

Flashlights and flood lanterns are useful tools too. We keep a flashlight in several rooms and have flood lanterns too. The flood lanterns were great during the storm since most of the room basked in a warm glow. That makes a huge difference for some of us.

A few other tips: rock salt or Epsom Salts de-ice beautifully. It’s fairly easy to sweep or shovel show off the steps or sidewalks. However, ice is a deadly combination of treachery and  unpleasant surprises for walkers, cyclists, or drivers. If you must attempt to walk on ice, then for less than $20 ice cleats can be purchased. (Basically, spikes which can be temporarily attached to your shoes.) The investment is worth it if you must walk on ice (which we do not recommend).

Garage Sale

The board decided to delay the April garage sale until a later date. We’re hoping for an early summer event. We will keep you posted.

Annual Dues

Please continue to send in your $20 annual dues payments. Some families pay several years at a time which is great! You can send a check to our PO Box or use PayPal. It’s easy and so convenient. We use this money to support the upkeep of our website and to sponsor future events. You may mail your check to WCHOA Treasurer, PO Box 1883, San Marcos, TX 78667 or click on the PayPal® icon and pay with your credit card.

Board Meetings

We do zoom meetings from time to time so if you’d like to attend please let us know. Schedules are changing since we adjust to the current challenges of COVID and weather. Meeting face to face is not recommended.


Thank you for contacting us about your fence requests and other proposed changes to your properties. We’ve had some unusual requests during the last 12 months so it’s exciting to see how general requirements keep evolving. Each section of this HOA has a different set of rules so this is one great reason why you should contact one of the directors in advance of your project. We appreciate it!

Unusual Critters

NO, chickens are not allowed. As in, never. Note that if you do violate the restrictions you will be contacted to get into compliance. If you desire to change your restrictions in your section, neighbors in that section must sign documents stating their desire for changes. Then that request is sent to the board for consideration and possible action. The Board has the final decision. We love chickens and many other critters. However, they attract bobcats, coyotes and dog packs which then kill them.

Covenants and Restrictions for all sections of the Willow Creek Estates subdivision contain these same restrictions:

“No poultry, rabbits, pigeons, dogs, cats or other animals shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that a lot owner may keep cats, dogs, or other household pets, so long as no such household pets are kept in such numbers as to constitute an annoyance or nuisance to owners of other lots.”

Board Membership

If you desire Board membership, please let us know. We are all volunteers who live in Willow Creek Estates so we’d be delighted to have others serve. Terms are in one-year increments and it’s a worthwhile experience.

Utility Maintenance

WCHOA has been notified by Pedernales Electric and Grande Communications that routine maintenance will be performed in our neighborhood, i.e., trimming trees away from utility lines.

Shop Local

We have many smaller businesses/restaurants that need our support to stay in business. Our sponsors are all locally owned businesses. Please support them and help keep San Marcos thriving.

Please support our Local Business Partners!


Director Gordy Love glove266@hotmail.com
Director Fred Davis fdavis0880@gmail.com
Director Marianne Moore marimoore2001@yahoo.com
President Becky Dobbins lizdobbins@rocketmail.com
Vice President Debbie Harvey topcooker@gmail.com
Vice President Carol Short cshort101@gmail.com
Vice President Lisa Walls lislas0807@gmail.com
Vice President Jeff Jewett jewett@smcorridornews.com
Treasurer Jon Leonard jlwcehoa@gmail.com
Secretary Larry Lyles llyles@cpamoore.com

How to Contact Us

Website:  wchoatx.com

Email Address:  wchoa99@gmail.com

Mailing Address:  WCHOA, PO Box 1883, San Marcos, TX 78667-1883