The annual WCHOA Spring Garage Sale will be held on Friday, April 11, and Saturday, April 12, and we hope you will participate in this exciting event.

Usually, there are 20 to 40 participants on both Friday and Saturday, and some are on just one of the days.

Shoppers love good bargains and are usually on the lookout for all types of goods. WCHOA offers these services: You give us your address, whether Friday or Saturday or both days and the types of items you’ll be selling (such as small electrical items, furniture, books, etc.).

We place ads in various locations and post brochures with the information at the three main entrances to Willow Creek Estates. The garage sale shoppers love the brochures because they help them find items/locations quickly!

One quick story about a past garage sale—A few years ago, a neighbor was selling very few items—all big—and sold out quickly, primarily due to providing a specific listing of items for sale.

This type of advance information helps the buyers decide which locations to target first. Click HERE to complete a form to submit your garage sale information.