Hello everyone. Here are some words of advice for you and our neighbors.

1)  Hail often occurs in this neighborhood during thunderstorms, so if you park your vehicles outside your garage, you will sustain various degrees of damage. Your insurance companies request photo documentation and reasons for outside parking when a garage is available.

2)  There are pregnant doe’s everywhere, and most are close to giving birth. Fawns will be everywhere, so please drive slowly through the neighborhood. And if you see a fawn hiding in lawn areas on your walks… Don’t assume it is abandoned! Mom will be back. If you’re wondering why so many deer live here… Your neighbors feed them.

3)  We’ve noticed several vehicles speeding through nearby school zones. Watch your speed. The traffic tickets are very costly. And don’t use your cell phone while driving through school zones!

4)  Several “tree” firms are helping with tree removals and general upkeep. Please make sure all debris is removed.