A publication of Willow Creek Homeowners Association,Inc.
“Deed Restricted Single-Family Neighborhood”
President’s Message:
Greetings Willow Creek Estates Neighbors!
It’s great to see spring arriving with wrmer temperatures! Now the work begins on our yards, houses, and garages. For those of you who have a desire to do some major spring cleaning, we are so happy to annoaunce that we have our spring neighborhood garage sale coming up on Friday April 8 and Saturday April 9.
Our annual garage sale is back and it’s always a huge hit with everyone. Buyers will be notified through a flyer listing the addresses of our participating residents. If you have specific big-ticket items, those will be listed on the flyer too. In prior years we’ve had residents who were very happy with $$$ sales because those “special” items listed led to big sales.
If you wish to participate and want your sale included on flyer that will be available at all of our entrances, please fill out the form posted on our web site and do it quickly. Additional information about the sale is posted on our WCHOA website. Some residents also post “yard sale” signs on the front of their lot so buyers can find the address quickly. May your yard sales be good ones!
– Becky Dobbins, Your President
Drought Restrictions:
Yes, it’s Stage 1 again. We need good, soaking rains to ease up the restrictions. Some of you are new to the neighborhood and might not understand how serious this affects trees, shrubs, flower beds and vegetable gardens. We’ve lost hundreds of shade trees and beautiful shrubs during Stage 3 and 4 years. Our instinct right now, with spring on our doorsteps, is to do some major repair work to our yards. Just a word of caution: there are many drought resistant Texas native trees/plants available. Careful placement/planting of these will save you money & time plus create a beautiful yard. There are deer resistant choices too.
Our advice is to be prepared if the drought continues. Watch for the notices which tell you which day is “watering” day. Be mindful of city and county requirements by checking the San Marcos Daily Record, Corridor News, or the city/county websites. We thank you for trying to keep our area beautiful and adhering to drought restriction requirements.
Rain Barrels: Many of you have rain barrels; some are smaller and some are larger. These come in handy and can be installed “attractively.” There are a few yards in our HOA solely dependent on rain barrels. They’ve installed native species and seem to have used the combination of rain barrels and native plants successfully.
Helpful hint on Deer: Especially during drought years the deer will strip bark off trees. Some of our residents have put up tree trunk barriers to prevent this. These have Hit and Miss success rates. Check with a nursery to get recommendations.
Annual Meeting in mid-Summer:
We are working on an annual meeting agenda. If you have topics for consideration, please submit to our WCHOA email address. This annual meeting addresses topics of interest to our neighborhood and is an opportunity to vote for new officers. If you’d like to be on the voting “slate,” please submit your name, address and area if interest to this email address. Thank you!
Please Support Our Amazing Local Business Partners:
It’s a joy to have local businesses advertise in our newsletters and on our web site. They have links to our neighborhood and often live within our HOA. We are so pleased to announce a new local business partner that is new to the Willow Creek area: Reliable Automotive just signed on as a new partner and we are so pleased to have them join our team. Our business partners are all locally owned businesses. They are responsive and helpful too!
Click on the business name to visit their websites
Reliable Automotive Pullen Electric
San Marcos Window Washing 3 Z Reality
AirOne Air Conditioning Blue Sky Mortgage
Please contact us at wchoa99@gmail.com if you are interested in becoming one of our neighborhood busines partners.
Dues Are Due!
Please send your $20 annual dues payment to PO Box 1883, San Marcos Texas 78667-1883 or use PayPal in our website. It’s so easy to do. This small amount of money is used to support the website, the garage sale, the annual meeting, the Christmas/Holiday Lights contest and Neighborhood Night Out. It’s a bargain!
Our website is really good, so please use it. Lost cat or dog? We post for our WCHOA residents. Important information is also posted such as specific information about your deed restrictions and covenants.
Architectural Requests?
Want to build a new garage? Add a new shed? Rearrange car parking? Replace a fence? Please contact the Architectural Board for consultation and advice. We’re very fortunate to have top notch, experienced people who are dedicated to help solve problems and resolve issues. Gordy Love, Fred Davis, and Jeff Jewett know how to assist you!
How to Contact Us:
Website: wchoatx.com
Email Address: wchoa99@gmail.com
Mailing Address: WCHOA, PO Box 1883, San Marcos, TX 78667-1883
Director | Gordy Love | glove266@hotmail.com |
Director | Fred Davis | fdavis0880@gmail.com |
Director | Jeff Jewett | jewett@smcorridormail.com |
President | Becky Dobbins | lizdobbins@rocketmail.com |
Vice President | Debbie Harvey | topcooker@gmail.com |
Vice President | Carol Short | carol2442@pm.me |
Vice President | Lisa Walls | lislas0807@gmail.com |
Secretary | Larry Lyles | llyles@cpamoore.com |
Treasurer | Jon Leonard | jlwcehoa@gmail.com |
Willow Creek Homeowners Association, Inc.
Information requested for our recorods
Annual Dues $20 per calendar year
Name of Resident(s): _____________________________________________
Property Address: ______________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different): ____________________________________
Phone Number(s): ________________________________________________
Email addresses(es): ______________________________________________
Please note that personal information will NOT be shared. It will only be used to communicate WCHOA items to our residents. We can easily accommodate more than one email address and phone number per residence in our database.
Mail your check payable to “WCHOA” to:
WCHOA Treasurer
PO Box 1883
San Marcos, TX 78667-1883