A publication of Willow Creek Homeowners Association, Inc.
“Deed Restricted Single-Family Neighborhood”

President’s Message:

Hello Willow Creek Neighbors!

The holidays are rapidly approaching! Hard to believe that this year is ending so quickly. Our recent time change plus the colder weather signals that the holidays are coming soon. We hope you are staying as healthy and safe as possible and preparing to enjoy your family gatherings. We have so much to be thankful for and one of these blessings is living in a fabulous area. The local beauty is a treasure and is enjoyed by all.

Your 2022 dues are coming due very soon! Please copy or tear off the form at the bottom of this newsletter and send your payment to WCHOA, PO Box 1883, San Marcos TX 78667-1883. Or you may use PayPal, which is so quick and easy using this link to our WCHOATX.COM website. If you don’t remember if you are current, please send an email to wchoa99@gmail.com and we’ll let you know. Since our $20 dues are so low, please feel free to pay for two or three years at a time. Many of our residents have found that paying multiple years at one time makes life easier and is less stress on the memory.

Thank you for your continued support of your WCHOA!

Holiday Celebrations:

The Holiday Lights contest will occur this year. Our new neighbors may not be aware of our contest so we want to place this item at the top of the newsletter! Our Willow Creek Holiday Display Contest happens every December and awards are given for top notch lights displays. This year we request that your holiday displays are up by December 16. The judges will travel the neighborhood starting December 17 and finalize the results by December 20. This gives us time to post the winning pictures on our website (wchoatx.com) so neighbors can view the winners before December 25. We plan to give awards for the top four displays. The theme is “holiday” so be creative and enjoy the event. Our displays are always beautiful and enhance the neighborhood beauty. The awards will be a combination of gift cards and/or free WCHOA dues for a year.

The DEER Are Everywhere:

One of the local delivery personnel remarked on the substantial number of 8-to-12-point stags “camping out” in the front yards. Those majestic antlers certainly get the attention of almost  everyone. The herds seem larger this year primarily due to the rain and lush greenery. Please drive carefully since hitting a deer will cause extensive damage to your vehicle. Vehicles do not wear deer hides well. Injury is painful for the deer and for us as well. Many of the deer have become traffic savvy but some are not. Watch for them!

Recent Incident:

We’ve had an unfortunate and appalling event in our beautiful Willow Creek Estates area recently. “Hate” flyers were distributed in baggies with small rocks (to weight them down) on some streets in our area. Local police were notified immediately and a deputy was assigned. If you have videos or pictures of suspicious activity on your property involving “hate” information or activity, please contact me immediately. Or if you prefer, you can contact our local San Marcos Police Department, attention Deputy Cormier at 512-753-2108. Deputy Cormier is an outstanding deputy and is ready to assist us.

Emergency Preparedness:

Yes, it’s going to get really cold again this year based on predictions from the Farmer’s Almanac. Our advice is to Plan Ahead. There are some inexpensive floor lanterns which use batteries that are most effective (often less than $10 each). These floor lanterns cast a nice circle of light which is soothing when the power is off. These lanterns are of various sizes and even the small lanterns work well.

Put together an emergency kit (use a backpack or duffel bag on wheels). AARP.org has several suggestions on what items should be used to fill the emergency kit. Some suggested items: Fill it with flashlights, extra batteries, socks, gloves, bottled water, bandages, scissors, snacks, hand sanitizer, plastic bags, utensils and pet food if you have pets. Don’t forget can or bottle openers. Some people keep cat litter for potential ice. Most importantly, don’t forget to put the kit by the front door or garage door.

Interested in a Board Position?

Serving on the WCHOA Board can be a rewarding experience  We have both city and county residents with fifteen applicable sections under the umbrella HOA with smaller HOAs underneath it. We are all volunteers who live in Willow Creek Estates so we’d be delighted to have others serve. Terms are in one-year increments and it’s a worthwhile experience.

While it can be confusing, our website wchoatx.com has a map of every lot and section for easy access and use. One item which causes many questions is the parking of recreational vehicles (RVs)  in this HOA. This is posted prominently on the WCHOA website because each section has unique rules and restrictions. One common restriction is that you are not allowed to use an RV as a rental unit. This is specifically prohibited. When in doubt please use our website for advice or contact one of our WCHOA directors with your question. And don’t forget that the City of San Marcos has parking restrictions too. Please go to their website for information sanmarcostx.gov.

Email Address Request:

To reduce paper and postage expenditures, newsletters and general announcements can be distributed to our HOA members electronically. Please send your email address to wchoa99@gmail.com. All family members are welcome to sign up for our emails. Your contact information is secure and will not be stored on our website.

How to Contact Us:

Website:  wchoatx.com

Email Address:  wchoa99@gmail.com

Mailing Address:  WCHOA, PO Box 1883, San Marcos, TX 78667-1883



Gordy Love glove266@hotmail.com
Director Fred Davis fdavis0880@gmail.com
Interim Director Jeff Jewett jewett@smcorridornews.com
President Becky Dobbins lizdobbins@rocketmail.com
Vice President Debbie Harvey topcooker@gmail.com
Vice President Carol Short carol2442@pm.me
Vice President Lisa Walls lislas0807@gmail.com
Vice President Jeff Jewett jewett@smcorridornews.com
Secretary Larry Lyles llyles@cpamoore.com
Treasurer Jon Leonard jlwcehoa@gmail.com

Shop Local:

We have several smaller businesses/restaurants that need our support to stay in business. Our sponsors are all locally owned businesses. Please support them and help keep San Marcos thriving.

Advertising on Our Website:

We are happy that local businesses choose to use our website for advertising. There are still a limited number of ad slots available. Please contact our website facilitator Carol Short at wchoa99@gmail.com or give her a call at 512-396-2488 if you or someone you know would be interested in becoming a WCHOA Local Business Partner.

We want to acknowledge our great partners―all locally owned businesses located in southwest San Marcos. They all say they enjoy working with the great folks in Willow Creek Estates. Their support provides partial funding for our WCHOA sponsored events, maintaining/upgrading our website, and distribution of newsletters. So please consider supporting these local businesses whenever possible.

Please support our Local Business Partners:

Creek Homeowners Association, Inc.

Payment coupon for mailing dues payment

Annual Dues $20 per calendar year

Name of Resident(s): _______________________________________________________________________

Property Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address (if different): ______________________________________________________________

Phone Number(s): _________________________________________________________________________

Email addresses(es): _______________________________________________________________________

Please note that personal information will NOT be shared. It will only be used to communicate WCHOA items to our residents. We can easily accommodate more than one email address and phone number per residence in our database. Mail your check payable to “WCHOA” to:

WCHOA Treasurer

PO Box 1883

San Marcos, TX 78667-1883