A publication of Willow Creek Homeowners Association, Inc.
“Deed Restricted Single-Family Neighborhood”
November has brought us increased COVID cases and fatalities in the state of Texas and Hays County. Our medical professionals are urging the citizens to follow safety protocols. Several Texas doctors are worried about the burden on our local hospitals and various health care support systems. Please take care of yourselves during the upcoming months. Contact tracing has shown that close contact in closed areas such as bars or party rooms spawn COVID spreader events. Recommendations are fluid and change based on the latest data.
After careful consideration we will delay the proposed Annual meeting which was tentatively to be held in January 2021. As you know it’s already been deferred from June 2020 because of health considerations. Since those health issues continue to exist we will again defer the annual meeting. The proposed new date is Sunday June 6, 2021 starting at 3 pm. At that time there may be space available at the Recreation Center (on East Hopkins next to the library). We will keep you posted. Please stay safe.
Christmas and Holiday Decorating Contest
Some of you already have put up lights to start the holiday celebrations. We enjoy identifying displays that we feel/think express the holiday spirit and thus will be doing a contest again this year. Our board members will evaluate the displays starting December 15th thru the 18th. Announcements of the winners will be done over the weekend so you can stop by before Christmas and enjoy the displays too. We’ll be giving three $25 gift certificates and one year free dues. Enjoy—let’s celebrate the holidays together.
Thank you for sending in those $20 dues payments. Keep them coming in so we keep the WCHOA financially stable. And yes, it is okay with us if you pay a couple of years at one time. We have very few expenses other than support for our web site which is why your dues are soooooo low. Other HOAs charge much more. We are a low-key HOA and our members prefer it that way. You may mail your check to WCHOA Treasurer, PO Box 1883, San Marcos, TX 78667 or click on the PayPal® icon and pay with your credit card.
Spring Garage Sale
If it makes sense and safety protocols can be observed, we’ll schedule our annual Spring Garage Sale around the last weekend of March or the second weekend in April (since the first weekend in April is Easter). This is where your dues help pay for the advertising and brochures of the event. You tell us the type of items you’ll be selling and we will put a brochure together which includes the location, days/times and type of items for sale. This helps boost your sales! Some of the sales start on Friday, others are only on Saturday—that’s your choice. We will advertise on social media, on the WCHOA web site, in the local newspaper and on some news blogs. Some of those who do the garage sale sell out quickly. So, it can be exciting and profitable!
Traffic Flows
Be careful out there! We have many residents who walk after dark and most are wearing safety vests. Bright safety vests really help drivers identify and avoid hitting pedestrians and cyclists. One suggestion: some of you walk your dogs too. We love our critters and don’t want them running into traffic. Good leash handling will prevent a dog or dogs from running in front of a vehicle. There are many online tips about leash control which really work. Cesar Millan has several suggestions posted on Facebook too. He’s a world renown dog handler and his suggestions work.Thank you for driving safely and keeping our pedestrians/cyclists/critters safe too.
Check out our WCHOA Website – wchoatx.com
Our website contains a lot of information about Willow Creek and its history. There are many things that you can do on the website and a few of the most popular items are: get in touch with us with your questions; pay dues online; request architectural approval; report lost and found items; report restriction violations; submit calendar events, submit photos, etc. We welcome your input and hope that you will send us information to add to our events calendar and neighborhood photos to display in our gallery.
In case you are wondering, the beautiful Texas Hill Country picture shown above (as well as on our website home page) looking across Purgatory Creek was taken from the balcony of a resident’s home on Summit Ridge Drive.
Most of our current business partners have been with us since we began selling newsletter ads. We certainly appreciate their support and hope that even more of our neighbors will utilize their services and/or products. The ad revenue allows us to keep our dues at the $20 per calendar year rate. If you or someone you know is interested in advertising with WCHOA, please contact Carol at wchoa99@gmail.com. Our ad rates are quite reasonable.
Runoff Election
December 8, 2020 is the runoff election for a city council member and the mayor. If your residence is located within the San Marcos city limits, be sure to vote! (Kyle has a run off too.) Good luck to the candidates. “Vote Anywhere” means you can vote at any location!! It’s fabulous.
Help for the Less Fortunate
Please enjoy your holiday season. Don’t forget our local charities such as the Food Bank, the Blue or Brown Santa drives, the bell ringers (Salvation Army) or charities of your choice. It’s been a tough donation season so any monies, food or toys you give will be greatly appreciated.
Smile Amazon dot com has set up wish lists to support the process of localized giving. Please don’t forget the local San Marcos Animal Shelter. They need us to volunteer or provide donations. Many thanks. Your WCHOA Board appreciates you!
•Please support our Local Business Partners!•
Director | Gordy Love | glove266@hotmail.com |
Director | Fred Davis | fdavis0880@gmail.com |
Director | Marianne Moore | marimoore2001@yahoo.com |
President | Becky Dobbins | lizdobbins@rocketmail.com |
Vice President | Debbie Harvey | topcooker@gmail.com |
Vice President | Carol Short | cshort101@gmail.com |
Vice President | Lisa Walls | lislas0807@gmail.com |
Vice President | Jeff Jewett | jewett@smcorridornews.com |
Treasurer | Jon Leonard | jlwcehoa@gmail.com |
Secretary | Larry Lyles | llyles@cpamoore.com |
Website: wchoatx.com
Email Address: wchoa99@gmail.com
Mailing Address: WCHOA, PO Box 1883, San Marcos, TX 78667-1883